For the first time "the yield was significantly greater
than the energy deposited in the hot spot by the implosion," said Ed
Moses, principal associate director for NIF and Photon Science.
Establishing a self-sustaining fusion reaction – ignition -
is now one step closer. These experiments underpin the primary mission of NIF
to provide experimental insight and data for the stewardship of the nation’s
nuclear weapons stockpile. Demonstrating ignition is the first step required to
permit fusion energy to be used for civilian energy production and for weapons validation
that avoids underground testing.
Developing fusion energy could be a revolutionary moment in
human history. Today’s nuclear power plants run on fission, not fusion. Fission
reactions produce large volumes of radioactive by-products and wastes that
remain hazardous for thousands of years, creating a storage problem. Fusion is
preferred over fission since it produces almost no radioactivity, releases more
energy per gram of fuel, and is a self-terminating reaction, so fusion reactors
can’t melt down like fission reactors have. Also, since the energy release per
gram of fuel is so great, only about 200 kg of fuel is needed to supply the energy
equivalent of all the oil consumed in the US each day. Commercial applications
are still ‘decades away’ according to most observers, however.
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